The PCI Elections Count! team met this week to review its work and the election results. Here are a few observations and voting results from the races we featured at our accountability session.
- Voter turnout in Pima County improved dramatically from 39% in 2014 to 67% this year. Certainly the close races and #redfored enthusiasm played a significant role, but PCI certainly did our part!
- Chasing thousands of non-partisan PEVL’s (calling to encourage voters on the Permanent Early Voting Lists) in low-voter precincts near PCI congregations may have had a positive impact (we are still waiting for the final precinct numbers)
- Encouraging Citizenship Sabbaths in PCI and ally congregations helped with turnout (bulletin and pulpit announcements, email blasts and non-partisan issue sheets) since these reached close to 40,000 residents.
- Using Commitment-to-Vote cards in congregations and at the 700+ accountability session at St. Pius X encouraged voting and recruited more volunteers.
- People seemed to like making PEVL calls and those called seemed to appreciate non-partisan encouragement to vote.
Races & Bonds that were featured at the PCIC Accountability Session:
CD2: Ann Kirkpatrick - 152,514 (54%)
Leah Marquez Peterson - 127,796 (46%)
LD10 House: K. Engel - 46,608 / D. DeGrazia - 40,490
Todd Clodfelter, 36,726
LD2 House: R. Gabaldon: 29,009 / D. Hernandez: 28,999
L-C.Ackerley 21,130 / A.Sizer: 20,744
City Parks & Rec. Bond 407: YES - 83,426 (56%)
NO - 66,404 (44%) PASSED - Yeah!
County Road Bond 463: NO - 194,381 (56%)
YES - 151,841 (44%) FAILED. Folks should stop complaining about our roads if they are not willing to pay the taxes necessary to fix them.
CD2: Ann Kirkpatrick - 152,514 (54%)
Leah Marquez Peterson - 127,796 (46%)
LD10 House: K. Engel - 46,608 / D. DeGrazia - 40,490
Todd Clodfelter, 36,726
LD2 House: R. Gabaldon: 29,009 / D. Hernandez: 28,999
L-C.Ackerley 21,130 / A.Sizer: 20,744
City Parks & Rec. Bond 407: YES - 83,426 (56%)
NO - 66,404 (44%) PASSED - Yeah!
County Road Bond 463: NO - 194,381 (56%)
YES - 151,841 (44%) FAILED. Folks should stop complaining about our roads if they are not willing to pay the taxes necessary to fix them.
And here’s an interesting question:
Did Sinema win due to Pima? The margin of victory for Kyrsten Sinema in Pima Co. was 54,270 votes while she only won Maricopa Co. by 48,813 votes. Thus, the argument could be made that if she hadn’t won “big” in McSally’s backyard, Sinema might have lost the race!
Did Sinema win due to Pima? The margin of victory for Kyrsten Sinema in Pima Co. was 54,270 votes while she only won Maricopa Co. by 48,813 votes. Thus, the argument could be made that if she hadn’t won “big” in McSally’s backyard, Sinema might have lost the race!
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