
Become a Member


Local institutions (i.e. congregations, schools, neighborhood organizations, non-profits, business alliances, employee groups, etc.) are eligible for membership if…

  1. The institution has a tradition of life-affirming values;
  2. The institution believes in the democratic process; and
  3. The institution has individual or family members and a structure of leadership and decision making.


All PCI member institutions contribute in five ways by:

  • Building an institutional organizing team (core team);
  • ​Nominate two delegates to the Delegate Assembly that meets quarterly.  Ideally, at least one delegate will be low-income.
  • Make a stewardship commitment on an annual basis to help finance the organization;
  • Acting in concert with the PCI strategy, regional clusters, and clergy caucuses; 
  • Involving their members and neighbors in the surrounding community to work on behalf of the common good.


PCI uses the broad-based institutional development model pioneered by the Industrial Areas Foundation. All learning is based on the “Iron Rule”: Never do for others what they can do for themselves.
Professional organizers and senior PCICEO leaders assist congregations with:

  • Institutional Development.
  • Leader identification and Training.
  • Community Outreach.
  • Strategic Actions to benefit the community.
  • “Public Friendships” in an intentionally diverse environment.
  • A culture of reflection and accountability connecting faith traditions and values.

Support an Issue Campaign

What is an issue campaign?

Simply put, Issue Campaigns are the work we do. Members of PCI continually identify the problems and concerns in our communities and work to fix them. These problems and concerns become our Issue Campaigns, and each one consists of research, relationships and action towards a solution. The more successful we are on our issue campaigns, the more people and institutions we attract and the more power we have to work for the common good.


