The urgency is clear: even with limited testing in Arizona, as of Saturday, March 28, the number of cases has risen from 27 to 773 in ten days. There have been 15 deaths in Arizona.
Join VIP Clergy and Leaders urging Governor Ducey to take life-saving action by signing below:
[Photo Credit: Cliff Hawkins, Getty Images via Arizona Mirror]
Dear Governor Ducey,
The clergy of Valley Interfaith Project, along with faith and congregational leaders throughout Arizona, implore you to issue a Stay-at-Home Order for Arizona. Our faith traditions teach us that human life has a value far beyond markets and other considerations. We also look to the medical science, which clearly states that early action is essential to stop the spread of COVID-19. Both our faith and the science tell us that the time for equivocation is long past.
You have already taken a number of courageous and difficult stands, including closing restaurants, bars, and gyms and issuing an eviction moratorium. Still, by themselves, these are not enough. The urgency is mounting by the hour. Please issue a life-saving stay-at-home order today.